Winning the Governor’s Mansion in the Most Expensive Campaign in Wisconsin History

“…one victory stands above most others in its importance to working people across the United States – the defeat of Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin.” - AFSCME · Pablo Ros · November 09, 2018

Since 2014, some of America’s most influential labor unions have sought out Nesbitt & Parrinello to support their campaigns in Wisconsin.

In 2018 for example, Nesbitt & Parrinello teamed up with a public sector union to defeat Scott Walker in the birthplace of America’s state employee unions. In a record setting campaign, we examined everything from the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions records to local campaign finance documents and court actions. Across more than 20 pieces of content on social, tv, radio, and mail, our research passed every fact-check and Scott Walker would go on to lose the governor’s race in 2018.