History-Making Track Record in New York: Electing First Openly Gay New York Congressman

In 2012, Nesbitt & Parrinello’s extensive self-research assessment helped propel Sean Patrick Maloney to victory in his New York congressional race. Nesbitt Research examined Maloney’s involvement in a scandal that led to criticism that he was involved in a cover-up. We examined Maloney’s relationships with Wall Street and analyzed his campaign contributions. These attacks could have helped his opponents paint him as an out-of-touch with New Yorkers. However, Nesbitt & Parrinello’s guidance found Maloney had a proven track record of advocating for the middle class and tackling corruption. Maloney worked with former President Bill Clinton, who created 55,900 jobs in the Hudson Valley during his administration and created programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Family and Medical Leave Act, which benefited millions of New Yorkers. Our valuable assessment aided Maloney in becoming the first openly gay congressman for New York, a position he has held successfully since 2013.