Commanding Win in Democratic Statewide Primary in Michigan

In 2010, Nesbitt Research propelled Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero to a win in the Michigan Democratic gubernatorial primary. We conducted self and opposition research, which included an in-depth review of personal financial filings, travel records, pay, perks and local news sources. We helped Bernero’s team paint a detailed and compelling picture of his strengths. Our vulnerability analysis proved to be a highly accurate prediction of the message our opponent would use against us. Using our research, the communications team was prepared to rebut these attacks quickly and effectively. Our research on our opposition uncovered a long corporate past that involved buying American companies, cutting pay, laying off workers and sending jobs overseas. Primary debate press releases, including a direct link to our research, proved to be a compelling narrative. The documentary record compiled by Nesbitt Research, combined with Bernero’s exceptional record of public service, gave him the edge with 59 percent of the vote.