Deep Expertise with Local City Council Records

Nesbitt & Parrinello was engaged by Rep. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) in his successful bid to unseat three-term incumbent Republican Rep. Joe Knollenberg. We analyzed Peters’ 16-year history as an elected official, and our in-person review of Rochester Hills City Council documents showed that Peters voted to reduce spending and to keep the tax levy flat. Our investigation into Peters’ service as a state representative uncovered a strong record of consumer advocacy, including a vote against the 1995 Credit Reform Act, which would have allowed Michigan lenders to charge up to 25 percent interest. Peters’ vote against the Act gave him a compelling positive as the economic crisis worsened. Our investigation of Peters’ tenure at the Michigan Lottery revealed a well-run operation that increased funding to education and cut administrative costs. Peters won his race against Knollenberg, winning 52 percent of the vote. Knollenberg received 43 percent.