Tennessee Senate Democratic Caucus

In 2007, the Tennessee Senate Democratic Caucus engaged Nesbitt Research to compile a full vulnerability analysis of the candidates running in a Tennessee State Senate special election. Our investigation of Republican Oscar Brock revealed that he lacked substantial involvement with any of the dozen businesses to which he lent his name, except for a failed restaurant. We summarized damaging lawsuits against Brock by former partners who claimed that he oversold his experience, was incompetent at running the business, and used racial slurs. These assertions further proved it was no slip-up that, when asked about a twenty-year-old DUI, he claimed that he was targeted by black police officers because he was white. We also discovered his father held some 300,000 shares in the Brock Candy Company when it was bought by the Brach company in 1994, which could have netted the elder Brock approximately $6,000,000. Our work helped Democrat Andrew Berke defeat Brock 63 percent to 37 percent.